Are your ready for your newborn session?? Here is a list of things that will help make your newborn session run as smoothly as possible!
When to schedule your session: It is better to let me know in advance so I know you are expecting! It is a good idea to schedule a tentative date with me as soon as you know your due date, then we can rearrange things if needed. As of right now, I typically pencil in a date that is 7ish days after your due date. If we need to move it around a little, that is perfectly fine! I know babies come when they want to. The best time frame for your session is between 2-14 days after your little one is born. As babies grow out of the "sleepy stage" they are more likely to be fussy when moved around or posed. They also become less flexible (We all know and love those squishy baby poses!)
Choosing a Lifestyle or a Posed Newborn Session: Lifestyle session and more relaxed with no traditional newborn posing. These sessions are less expensive, and less time consuming due to the natural "posing" techniques. These would include family images on the couch, in the nursery or other parts of your home. I do also offer in hospital, Fresh 48 sessions!
Posed Newborn Sessions are time extensive and more expensive due to safety, equipment, and time needed for posing/changing/burping etc. The choice is yours for your little ones session, but I MUST know in advance. If you little one decides that posing is just "not their style" then lifestyle type images can be taken.
*Sibling and family poses are included in the posed session.*
If the session takes place in your own home, here are some things to help you through your session...
Your space: Have areas where you would like photos to be taken free of clutter. Just a quick tidying will do! A 5x7 ft area large enough for a beanbag and backdrop stand are needed (IF) if you chose a posed mobile studio session.
Do you have a messy house?: This will not bother me at all. I completely understand that you have been busy with your newest arrival (I am a mom too!) So don’t worry or apologize for laundry, dishes, or not running the vacuum.
Time: The session will take approximately 2 hours (but up to 4), depending on how sleepy your little one is. Below are some suggestions/tips for a sleepy, and hopefully happy little one.
Crank the Heat: Crank up the heat in your home, or use a space heater to warm the room where we will be having our session. Typically a good temperature is about 85 degrees. This may seem hot for us, but it will be comfortable for your little one.
Full Tummies: Make sure your little one is well fed and burped before our session. A hungry or gassy baby may lead to some fussiness. Also, have an extra bottle or if you are breastfeeding, you may nurse throughout your session as needed. A pacifier can be used as well, and can be removed before shots.
Loosen diapers/clothing: Diapers and clothing/tight socks can leave imprints on your little ones skin. Loosen diapers and articles of clothing 30 minutes prior to the session. The best way to have your little one ready is to have them in a diaper and wrapped in a swaddle or favorite blanket
Be patient, be relaxed: A fussy or anxious parent could mean a fussy little one, don’t let the this happen to you! I understand sometimes that little ones cry or fuss, and that does not stress me out, or make me worry that we will not get great pictures. This is one reason for the longer session. We can take as many needed breaks for feeding/changing/soothing. If you feel you need to rest or do other things during your newborn session, please feel free to do so!
Uh Oh....POO: Well, it happens. Do not worry about me or my equipment/props. It is part of the job of working with cute little ones, and it will not bother me at all. I just ask to keep wipes and diapers handy.
Light: Open windows and blinds in the rooms we will have our sessions in. Not only does this allow for gorgeous natural light, this also will help me decide what/if additional lighting set up will be needed.
Props: For Mobile Studio Sessions only, I will be bringing along a few small sets and coordinating wraps. (If you wish to have full access to all of my props, please choose a Studio Session) Please feel free to let me know if you have anything you would like to incorporate, or color choices into your session as well.
Safety: This is one of the most important things about your session. Your little one’s safety will not be compromised for any poses or shots. A “spotter” (usually mommy or daddy) will be within reach AT ALL TIMES. Some of the more popular poses seen online are composite images. This means that the final image is the result of two separate images, where your little one is supported differently during each shot. I can show you examples of how composites are made.
As for naked little ones: Cute baby bum pictures are a favorite among new parents. These photos will only be done at parental request. No pictures will reveal any private areas during the session. The diaper can be unsnapped and tucked in so only the bum is visible. Do naked little one pictures make you uncomfortable, or do not wish them to be posted? These pictures can be private and for family only (not posted online for any purpose) If this is what you would like, please feel free to express this to me.
If you have any further questions, ideas, or concerns please feel free to contact me! I look forward to seeing you and your beautiful little one!